The Legacy of the
Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)
Continues at Devil's Den State Park
As you walk around Devil's Den Sate Park, look closely at the buildings, the stone culverts, and the dam on Lee Creek. All of these amazing handcrafted structures are the result of the backbreaking efforts of the young men of the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC). The CCC was part of the Workers Progressive Administration established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to help put people back to work and get families eating again during the Great Depression. Devil’s Den State Park is proud of our CCC heritage!
Between 1933 and 1942, there were hundreds of young men that served in the CCC that helped establish Devil's Den. Their day to day lives while at Devil’s Den often began early, around 6 a.m. with a hardy breakfast and then exercises and off to their respective jobs that included task such as quarrying and laying stone, cutting lumber, and constructing buildings. Work ceased around 4 p.m. to allow time for educational endeavors and recreational activities such as swimming, horse shoes, and baseball games – a tradition still part of Devil's Den today! Under the supervision of the War Department, the men received food, clothing, education, and medical care, as well as $1 a day for their work. For many serving in the CCC, it was an unforgettable experience that would shape the rest of their lives.
Contact us:
Friends of Devil's Den State Park, Inc., PO Box 623, West Fork, AR 72774-0623
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